As your big day approaches for your Wedding in this beautiful destination Island, the anticipation of happiness surrounds your mind, but the greatest feeling that consumes you at every travel moment, is the biggest question yet. What am I to pack?
If you are feeling a bit unsure, of what to take along with you on to your Destination wedding, I am here to help.
I have compiled a list of ten of the best things every Destination Bride should ensure tags along.
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1. Garment Bag
You should never Place your Wedding Dress in your Check on Luggage. This is golden rule of Destination Wedding Travel. Not only does your check on luggage have the risk of arriving at the location after you have already arrived or be mistaken at the Airport, but your gorgeous dress have the risk of being damaged. Purchasing a travel garment bag to protect your wedding dress is a great investment. It offers protection and it allows you to fold and place in your carry on luggage. If the flight is not full some airline offers you a place to hang them. Click here to view Item.
2. Portable Steamer
Some resorts provide complimentary Bridal Attire steaming, however having a steamer comes in super handy. Weather it is to touch up your lovely silk robe, for your get ready session with your bridesmaids it can be used as a fast and easy tool when going on special occasions when wearing your clothes fresh out the suitcase especially those that are a too delicate for the provided iron. It’s very light weight and cost friendly. It’s one of those must haves, that are useful even after travel. Click here to view Item.
3. Document Holder
Having a good Document Holder is a travel lifesaver and 100% stress deterrent. Especially when you pack it at least two (2) days before travel. Having something to protect your passport, itinerary and other important documents is key. This fit perfect in the front part of your carryon luggage, making it super accessible and it reduces the chance of damage. Oh! One more thing it makes losing your passport through the boarding process highly unlikely. Click here to view Item.
4. Sunscreen
Destination Wedding Brides never forget your Sunscreen especially if you plan to stay in the sun. This protects your skin against harmful long exposure to the sun. This is my favorite at all time Sunscreen. Especially if you plan on going on excursions, it’s gentle on your skin and the environment. A win-win situation if you ask me.
Kadian’s Tip: When you have chosen your gorgeous Wedding Dress, and the style that it has exposes your shoulders, it’s best to avoid spaghetti strap clothing a few weeks before the wedding day to eliminate unwanted tan lines in your photos.
5. Suitcase set
It’s crucial to have the ideal Suitcase set to travel with. When travelling, especially for leisure, having adequate space is important. Not only do you need to take along your items safely, but you may want to take things back home without having to buy a new suitcase. Having a Light weight hard shell suitcase provides so much protection and takes adding that extra piece of item more compact without the unattractive content bumps. The greatest thing about my all-time favorite is the fact that it comes in a variety of shades. Click here to view Item.
6. Cosmetic Bag
Let me start by saying, the perfect Cosmetic Bag does exist. It’s always good to travel with a bag that’s equipped to carry your make up and cosmetic products. It holds all your beauty product in one place and safe from your clothing so it doesn’t ruin them. This bag also acts as a TSA friendly must have. It’s very convenient to carry containers under 3 ounces.
7. Curling Iron
I have this and I can’t tell you, it’s the master of all curling irons. Its sturdy and get the job done, plus its very cute. After getting your hair done and all things wonderful on your wedding day you are going to need something convenient to get your hair curled or straightened for the honeymoon Date Nights. Click here to view the Item.
8. Waterproof Phone Case
This is a great item to have; they are not costly, and it saves you from damaging those expensive devices. I am super positive that no matter how waterproof your phone is coming in contact with salt water lessens the life so much that sometimes its stops working. I personally had this on my trip to Beaches Ocho Rios and it saved me. I was able to comfortably take my phone to the beach side, on rides and in the pool no picture was left untaken. They are super durable and ready to take on a next trip. Click here to view the Item.
9. Portable Charger
Now this is a Travel Partner, as soon as breakfast time your camera and cell phone start working overtime; capturing every moment, sometimes on multiple excursions for the day. Having a strong power bank saves the day every time. You can always charge your devices on the go, and this is even a great for keeping for everyday use. Click Here to view Item.
10. Waist Bag
Whenever travelling, whether it’s near or far, keeping important documents safe and organized is important. This waist Bag is trendy, affordable and equipped with space to hold your Passport, Cards and other important belongs such as hotel room key and tiny toiletries. Necklace wallet is also an ideal choice if you are travelling extremely light but need a safe space for your cards and Hotel key.